A few dresses using Corinnes Mesh w/ extra credit to Nilou. Mesh is included. I am pretty pleased with these as they took me ages. If I can get my game to cooperate with me as I figure out how to change dresses I will add more pics at a later date. I don't feel like dragging my Sims to a community lot. I am the lazy. :( Sorry the poses are poopy too :P No pose boxes in my game atm. Anyways... here ya goes!
Download the snazzyness here!
(Sims 2 Stuff) My first Bodyshop Stuffs
(Sims 2 Stuff) Dark & Mysterious Wall Set #4
Another set of walls to tide you over some furniture recolors and houses will be coming in the near future :) Hope you enjoy these!
Download them here!
Credits: Holy Simoly / Donnha
(Randomness) Paypal Donate Button whyness?
Just threw it up over on the top right as things are getting a little tough with the finances nothing to worry about. All proceeds will go towards Photobucket/Box.net Accounts and anything left over will be put to the side to either go towards my internet or purchasing the new Photoshopness; or both. It is not mandatory to donate. I just put it up there in case someone is feeling like being nice. So don't worry I know times are rough for everyone around the world so don't sweat it one bit if you can't donate, words of encouragement and thank yous are all I really need in the end :D
More goodies will be coming soon I am just getting over a nasty head cold / touch of sore throat. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
(Sims 2 Stuff) Dark & Mysterious Walls #3
Here is the third set of Dark & Mysterious Walls for your enjoyment!
Download them here!
Credits: Holy Simoly and Donnha for the Wood Molding.
(Sims 2 News) Sorta Sims 2 related.
Going to be working on my little website here the next few days as I try to figure out how to change the layout. I will also be removing all buttons / links and reworking that part but don't worry they will be back up as soon as I can. I will also probably be looking for affiliates as well later this week. I love so many sites and people in this community so the links may be a little bit overboard.
So I was thinking just normal text linked urls for non-affiliated websites and then buttons for the affiliates? I just hope I can figure this layout thing out tonight since I would like to spend some time creating stuff instead of updating my layout etc. >.< Wish me luck! If you are an e-blogger pro feel free to give me any tips hints and tricks; would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah and someone >.> <.< has been learning how to recolor clothes for the sims 2. Won't mention any names... >.< So stay tuned for that.
Edit: A few hours or so later...and TADAS. Ugh I want to link to everysite / persons blog I love but there are too many :( If anyone knows a site that does Sims 2 Community Updates (besides Sims Cave / BPS) that you can see without registering let me know! It would help out with me adding 50 zillion links on my linky thingy.
Edit 2: Made a new little button for my blogsite please feel free to use it. It's down over yonder on the side!
(Sims 2 Stuff) Dark & Mysterious Wallpapers #2
The 2nd part out of a 4 part Wallpaper Set. Each wallpaper pattern comes with the 3 wood moldings that you see at the top. so there is a total of 12 walls in this 2nd part. Enjoy!
Download them here.
Credits: Holy Simoly & Donnha (for the wood molding).
(Sims 2 News) Blah da blah da blah....
Just a little update; I am not sure if I am going to keep furnishing lots completely or just make them landscape them and partly furnish them (kitchen/bath). As it is very time consuming and I really would like to do some other things like participate in contests maybe do a Sim Legacy Story for fun or some random stuff. So get them while their hot? >.> <.<
Don't get me wrong I like doing it but these two lots took me *looks at watch* lets just say I am no Blooming, Simplay, Beddog, or any other fantastical house creator furnisher person and I swear I have ADD when it comes to the sims. My computer is busting at the seems with things I want to do or started to do that I work on and I kind of find something else that I want to do and then bam...yeah I need an intervention possibly.
I also got a little PO'd (okay a lot) I was making a lot spent HOURS just building and landscaping it (this lot was no small lot it was my dream home I actually finally was working on something *I* really wanted in my game and to have pics of incase you know one day...) and all I had in it was my build mode stuff no hacks or mods and all it does is crash I tried clean installer etc nada.
So if anyone is willing to maybe try it out in their game (just use clean installer and install the lot file and see if it crashes for you too I would be in your debt or if you figure out what is wrong so I can maybe fix it?). ;_; You can leave a comment here or the guestbook or pm me over at Black Pearl Sims :P Here is a preview of what the lot looked like so you know what you are getting yourself into if you volunteer :P
Right click view image to see the whole she-bang.
(Sims 2 Stuff) 1x2 Lot #1 w/ CC
If you take out all the clutteryness the house is actually playable (which is what I am trying to make these smaller houses for..actual playability). One day I will be able to actually get to sit and maybe make a Sim to make a story out of >.< Hah!
I've been sick so the house isn't that very well decorated (at least to my standards). My head is super stuffed up and I have a fever but so instead of World of Warcrack and raiding with my guild when I wake up I worked on this house and then went back to bed rinse and repeat. This little bit of decorating took me 5 days. ;_; K Erika less useless babble.
Right Click View Image to see the full photo!
I have all EP's & Stuff Packs!
Don't forget to install using clean installer!
Download the house here.
Credits: Aikea, Buggy Booz, Blakeboy, Mira, Fresh Prince, Simply Styling, Cassandre, Jonesi, Nengi65, Murano, Ms. Barrows, Donnha, Matilda, Anye, Living Dead Girl, All 4 Sims, Simplan X, Huge Luntatic, and more! Thank you to all the wonderful creators that make our game more exciting and a cluttery beautiful mess!
(Sims 2 Stuff) Single Sim - 1x2 #2 Lot w/ CC
You will need to right click view image to see the full photo. I swear I need a new layout but I like this one too much. :P
The kitchen, pantry, and bathrooms have furnishings in them as you can tell from the overview shot. It is landscaped as you see it. I am getting pretty good at landscaping if I do say so myself. *toots horn*
Download the lot here.
Credits: 4 Ever Sims Fantasy, Aikea, Animefemme, Blakeboy, Buggybooz, Jonesi, Jope, Kara, Matty36, Murano, Nengi65, Spaik, Simtomatic, & other creators which I forget.
I have all EPS & Stuff Packs.
Please make sure to use clean installer to see all the wonderful stuffs I used.
Yes there are pay items included. So if you don't like pay items even more reason to use clean installer. If the house breaks your game I am not responsible you can blame the people that wanted me to start uploading houses :P Nah it won't break your game.
(Sims 2 Stuff) Dark & Mysterious Wallpapers Set #1
Credits: Holy Simoly & Donnha on the border wood stuffs.
Download them here!
(Sims 2 Stuff) Industrial Walls
Just another small update of five sets of two wallpapers and one four piece wallpaper for use in an industrial type building or as kitchen backsplashes. I can't remember if they are seamless or not on the ends I believe I did make them seamless. I would load up my game but it takes a bit and I have a few things I am working on at the moment. Sooo consider it a little surprise for you to find out. I am 90% sure they are seamless on each end of the 2 walls :P You can use them for kitchen backsplashes or whatever :D
Download them here!
(Sims 2 Stuff) Musically Inclined Wallpapers
Just a small little set of seamless wallpapers for your Musically Inclined Simmies! Enjoy!
Download here!
Credits: Webtreats & Holy Simoly